Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Decisions! Decisions!

With my daughter being 8 weeks old soon, there are so many decisions that I need to make, keeping in mind the best interest of my daughter!  My life has been very busy with my new born bundle of joy and now that she's getting older and bigger,  I have some time now to blog and vent about things that have been going on.

Now that my daughter is here, there has been so many decisions to be made regarding putting monies aside for her future, getting her baptized, planning her first birthday party, going back into the workforce, but will my job be "breast-pump friendly" :(  As if I don't have enough to worry about with the little every day things that comes with being a mommy to Lily, partner to Junior, and compromising with both sides of the family **sigh**

After about 9 months, I have finally began working out again :) It's so hard to explain the kind of nausea and fatigue that pregnancy can bring to someone whom has never experienced it!  I can only say that it was so bad to the point where I had to stop working out, and could not last in car rides due to smells and the feeling of being car sick, and overall, I just felt soooo tired!  I missed out on some life changing events because I, myself, was going through a life changing event.  If I were in my normal state, I would've been the same responsible and reliable person, but I couldn't help but put my daughter first and not risk my health!  I wanted my baby to be safe, comfy, and healthy!

I remember what that Japan tour was like for me when I was dancing, but feeling completely drained and sick, only to find out that I was about 6 or 7 weeks pregnant!  It felt like hell for me and I also felt like I was torturing my daughter's home :(  Anyways, I am only 3 days into my morning workout routine and my body hurts so much that I can barely walk, and lowering myself to sit on the toilet makes me shed a tear :'(  I can't believe I used to do this regularly on top of dancing almost 5 nights a week!!

All of my hospital bills are paid, my doctor bills have been paid, my daughter's doctor bills have been paid, and her baptismal is on it's way, so I feel somewhat accomplished, but I'm still overwhelmed with all of the decisions that have to yet be made!

This Saturday Junior and I will be going in to meet with one of staff members from Saint Joseph Church regarding our daughter's baptismal.  The deposit to secure the venue for our daughter's first birthday is also due this weekend and I have to admit that planning her first birthday is beginning to scare me, financially!  Junior has been so supportive and willing to pay for whatever we need, but I'm so used to managing my own money and paying for my own things.  I've been able to (believe it or not) pay for everything that I have mentioned in the previous paragraph with my own funds, but since I'm not working, I'm starting to worry because those funds and disappearing before my eyes :'(

I really, really, REALLY, want my daughter to have a beautiful, fun-filled first birthday and be able to enjoy it with all of our loved ones!  Who wouldn't want that for their little princess, right?!  And like my sister Tine told me, if there's a will, there's a way so let's hope that all the right decisions are made from this point on :D

Wish me luck everyone!  Love you guys!