Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Baby Steps

My baby had just turned 3 months old about a week and a half ago. Her party planning is definitely coming along and life is such a great journey! I love my baby so much and I am feeling content with everything and everyone in my life!!

Although she is still too young to crawl, she has definitely already met some milestones and is taking baby steps in developing to be a strong little wonder!

I too am taking baby steps of my own to becoming a great mother, daughter, friend, and partner.

I've become domesticated to the point where I wake up at 4:30am to prep breakfast and pack a lunch for Junior before heading to work and making dinner by the time he returns from the gym. We both also started a new healthy diet journey by eating more organic foods as this will help lead a good example for Lily in the future.

After breakfast and/or lunch is prepped for Junior, sometimes I have time to cook up breakfast for my mom's patients, if not, I start washing up and get ready for my day, then feed my daughter, and then begin house chores.

But from next month on, things will be a little different as I begin to go back to work. I just had an interview yesterday that went great and soon I'll have orientation after I get all of my paperwork turned in. I do plan to continue to breastfeed so thank goodness for my Medela pump ;)

Since May, I also have gone back to Tahitian dancing! So far I am loving every minute of it! It gives me some mommy time and a chance to get back the body I once had. I have been out of the hard core dancing scene for so long that I did not realize how much muscle strength it involved! I literally had to start at beginner's level and even then, my body was aching for days!! A month and a half later I have been able to work up to intermediate level of dance and I'm still dying, but at least I know I am getting an intense workout!

I'm just so excited that both baby and I are growing as individuals. I have always been on a busy schedule so being a stay-at-home mom was out of the question and now that I have my mother to babysit! I am so thankful more than ever!!

The next milestone for my baby is to get her on to solids and I've found the best book to help me to start her off on the right path :)

My next couple of milestone are to start work, make it back to advanced classes with Maohi Nui, and to hopefully lose 15lbs by December.

Have a grrrrrreat week everyone!!