Friday, January 21, 2011

A U S T R-maa'fuckin'-A L I A Baaaabyyyy!

I want to start off with a quote from my dear friend, Madea!  Haha!  Also known as, Tyler Perry :)
Nobody said it was gonna be easy! But it’ll get easier when you learn how to love yourself. When you get to a point in your life when you look at people and go: “okay, wait a minute. You? Or me?” You will make a decision. Look, I’ve never just thrown nobody away. I’ve never in my life just thrown somebody away, just say: “don’t bother me. Don’t talk to me no more.” I have never done that. What I do is, I tell them: “look here, this thing you’re doing right here? That’s gonna cause a problem; you need to fix that. ‘Cause if we gonna be friends, you gotta fix it. If you don’t, we gonna have an issue.” Now, if you see someone fix it, or they even trying to fix it, that’s someone that cares. Keep them around. That’s a leaf that’s trying to grow up and be something else. You understand? But if you tell somebody that what they’re doing is hurting and they need to stop it, and they keep doing it? They don’t care; move on. Let them go. No matter how much it hurts, let them go. And it’ll get easier, I promise you . Everyday it will get easier and easier and easier. You just got to make it through. You hear me honey?
I looooooove wise ole Madea!  Reflecting upon that quote makes me realize and be all the more thankful of the wonderful people--my family and friends--that I have in my life!  This past week was so difficult for me to get through.  I'm not sure if it was just a menstrual or hormonal imbalance kind of jive, but I felt super fat, unmotivated, lonely, a bit suicidal... haha don't take the latter seriously, I think the suicidal part was probably just me taking the "F*** My Life" perspective to a whole new, majorly melodramatic level.

But anyways, there are definitely times where I look forward to having restful days, peace and quiet, not having to deal with work, gigs, dance practices, chores, errands etc. etc.  Days where I can just have absolute "Me" time.  Yes, those kinds of days do exist for me.  I make it happen, otherwise, I probably go crazy, gouge my eyes out or jump on broken pieces of glass or something.  On the contrary, I have my moments where I look forward to my life where I am so busy that I am not able to indulge in "Me" time at all!!!  [Not to say that I enjoy every minute of being bussst-ass-busy, but there are stolen moments where I do enjoy "gettin' busy."]  Yes, those days exist too, and unfortunately, they unjustly outnumber the peaceful and restful days... by a landslide :(  I don't know if you recall reading my blog about our dance group's Christmas Show, but just as an example, during that time, it was caaah-ca-ca-caaa-raaaay-zzzeeee busy!  And the next couple of weeks will be the same because in the middle of February, a select few dancers from Maohi Nui are going on tour to.....

A U S T [mother fuckin'] R A L I A !!! Yeah, Australia!!

I'm super duper excited!  I still didn't ask for leave from work yet, and I haven't even prepared my student's substitute plan either.  I haven't thought about packing.  We haven't learned any of the dance numbers we're supposed to perform.  And we haven't prepared/sewn any of our costumes!  Ohhh what joy will the next couple of weeks bring!  Ugggghhhh!  I'm not looking forward to the stress that comes with preparing for these kinds of dance events, but HE surely does plan my life accordingly.  And I say that because my sister is leaving, and I've been having more bad days than good days, so I know HE knows that the stress will help to get my mind off of things and help me get through the emptiness I've been feeling and focus on life and the better things ahead :)

To help brighten the mood of my sister leaving for New York, my mom, Tine, and I went shopping today at Ala Moana.  It was more for my mom than anything and Tine and I were just there to support her decisions [No that material looks cheapy! Oh yea, go with that one, you look so Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy] but hey she deserves it :) Oh, I also scored myself two cute pairs of shoes that I plan on rocking in Australia... and I'll probably rock them out for the next 10 years of my life as they become "so last season" and then slowly make their comeback into the fashion world... like bell bottoms!  I don't ever buy anything stylish.  Meaning to say that I am the epitome of "ghetto" haha kinda sorta so I'm very happy with the shoes :) Okay have a great week in Hawaii Nei all!

Oh yeah **CHEEEERS** for starting the New Year off with a new blackberry phone :) Ohhh how I loooove her soooo :)


  1. Don't be sad. You don't want to wear a paper version of the Jacquelyn tahitian pearl necklace, now do you? LOL! LOVE YOU!!

  2. "And the worst part about last night is that I didn't get picked to go on tour coming up in may. I have been dying to go for the longest time. Since day one ive been trying to make it to be a part of the tour group. And what do you know... Their third time going to japan and signapore and I don't get to go, once again!!! It's soooo disappointing!! I've been committing myself and have been working sooooo damn hard to get better and of the seven girls that are going, one isn't even from our group and the other two are fairly new but they're tall pretty and skinny! I felt like I died on the inside. It's been such a horrible week and I felt like I got slapped across the face three times yesterday!!!! I hate dancing for liffffeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    You've come a long way, I'm proud of you!!!

  3. Tine- yaaaaaye can't wait to rock that pearl necklace :)) LOVE YOU!

    Day Dreamer- **tear** OMG! You remember that email! That was during the fall/winter time in 2009 :'( looking back, everything happens for a reason & we can only move up from the worst of our experiences! Thank you thank you for your support :)) I remain humbly grateful to my friends and the support you all have given me because I know I didn't get to where I am on my own. Love you!

  4. I love your new BB! I'm jealous. And I'm also jealous you're going to Australia! Have fun sissy! Please make sure to read my weekly wedding emails while you're there. Hahaha.

  5. Thanks sisterrr! & of course! I will definitely look forward to your updates while I'm in Australia :0)
