Monday, November 21, 2011

Lots to be THANKFUL for :)

I haven't blogged in a while.  So much has happened in the past couple of months that I haven't had the energy to be normal, but then again since I've been pregnant, nothing about me has been normal.

Nothing much happened in September.  I'm usually so organized with my life and schedule, but I haven't even touched my planner to schedule a date since who knows when, I can't even recall.  Pregnancy has got me being quite anti-social :/ I've been refusing to go out and refusing to have my picture taken lol.  I just feel sick all the time.  My job at State Farm is not my forte.  I'm definitely not happy sitting in an office.  I spoke with my previous employer and plan to go back to working with Special Needs kids--they need me and I definitely need them!  The job was hard, but I was happier there :)

In mid-October I finally got my room back :) and although I got to put some organization back into my life by putting my room back together, I realized that every thing else has been out of order since our relatives moved here :'(  I can't find majority of my scrap-booking materials or our family's Yanni CD's!!  I'm so sad about that, but at least my mom and I were able to find our Christmas decorations and I got to help her put them up in November.....

November, dear, sweet November :) My birth month and this month by two amazing friends tied the knot [Congratulatory shout-out to Mr. and Mrs. Balmonte!  Love you both].  I'm about 5 months into my pregnancy and although my morning sickness isn't as bad as it was during 6 weeks to 14 weeks, it's definitely still hanging around :( I won't disclose gender of little baby or possible names that we like, but daddy and I have it all kinda-sorta figured out lol.  I'm really glad that he's been so supportive and loving despite my usual grouchiness!!  This month I put in my formal resignation at State Farm to take care of my mental health and baby ;) I notice that I'm also more grouchy and forgetful.  I also have a tendency to want to be alone more and more often.  During this month I have also noticed that I have lost my ability to hold my pee lol!  I think I should invest in depends diapers haha!  Yeah, I haven't been doing my kegel exercise as I should be :/ tsk tsk, shame on me!

I admit that I do miss dancing!!  I miss going to dance gigs and hanging out with my hula sisters and brothers.  I miss it so much that I still go back once in a while to chime in and get a little exercise in, but mostly to support my dance-family in their upcoming competition which I wish so much to be a part of :0(

Today is my mother's birthday :D My dad's been gone for about a month now and doesn't know when he will return home because 2 submarines broke down in Guam so he's there helping to repair them.  He won't be back by Thanksgiving.  Today my cat Nohea is sick :'( I'm so sad, I love her :(

Well I know this blog has been kinda random.  Just trying to catch everyone up on everything that has been happening.  Hopefully I'll be back to blog about Thanksgiving for we have so much to be thankful for :D Have a great one everybody!! xoxo's

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