Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday = FUN day!

I think I just discovered the most uncomfortable feeling in the world [well, for me at least].  It's trying to hold in your crap! HAHA! I know, I know!  I sooooo know what you're thinking... "Why the hell would you want to hold in your crap?"  Well, I wasn't going to hold it in so I could release shit all over myself.  I wanted to hold it for "just a sec" because I was proof-reading my previous blog, and wanted to finish that before taking a dump, but yeah, I couldn't hold it any longer so I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of trying to complete my task.

Anyways, Sundays are always FUN days for numerous reasons:
  1. I remember back in the days when my sisters and I would blow off church and go gallivanting!!  Going to town to shop at Ala Moana, Ross, get our Mrs. Field's cookies fix, Borders, Starbucks... etc. We were on a mission to get some shopping done in an hour & half tops! When we'd arrive home, we'd leave our shopping bags in the trunk because to state the obvious, it's pretty suspicious to arrive home with new merchandise when you're coming home from "CHURCH" hehehe!
  2. Next on my list would be CHURCH!  [Oh the irony, right?!]  LOL!  I love going!  Since 90% of the time I sit alone (since my mom is in the front serving w/ the rest of the servers [I forget what their title is], I like to think of it as my personal time w/ Him, in His home!
  3. As a Catholic, I totally try to take advantage of the Sabbath being a day of rest thus, I never take the time to clean the bathroom, vacuum, wash the clothes, clean my room, or work out haha!  Sometimes I'll be a real cheat and eat lots of junk food.  The most "work" I'll do is probably heat up some leftover food, wash the dishes, and of course DANCE [gigs & practice if I'm available]  =)
  4. I also remember when I used to work at Brooks Brothers, our Big boss was always off on Sundays and only came in to work if it was just absolutely necessary.  So, my supervisor at that time, Chris, and I always proclaimed it "FUN day" because for the most part, we got to work with the FUN crew: Bobbie, June, Atsuko, Tammy, Angelo, Masa, Jerome, etc.
So speaking of working out and dancing, our dance group has a Christmas Show on December 11th and I believe that is two Saturdays away.  The week of my birthday, after seeing pictures, I have realized that I am in terrible shape!  I work out on average 4 times a week and dance on average 4 times a week.  So, I do get a great amount of exercise in, but due to recent stress and other outside factors, I haven't been eating as healthy as I should.  After March, I started drinking A LOT..... again!!  At times I would barely eat and other times, over-eat, barely get any sleep, and over-sleep.  Overall, it was an unhealthy lifestyle and my body would agree because my menstrual cycle was super irregular and I was getting sick way too often.........

So........ the week after my birthday, I vowed that for the next three weeks I would eat healthy and do Insanity 6 days a week again to get my "March body" back and look good for Maohi Nui's Christmas show [you know me, gotta always keep up w/ the rest of the girls in line, ah lol].  I've been eating oatmeal or cheerios for breakfast, tuna or turkey or chicken on bread for lunch, and oatmeal again for dinner, unless my mom cooks up Filipino veggies then I'll eat that.  Then, I drink only water or apple juice.  At any time of the day 3 hours before of after my work out I mix a fully rounded teaspoon of cayenne pepper w/ orange juice and suck on three li hing mui seeds after to suppress my appetite.  This weekend was hard because of Thanksgiving, but I think I did good w/ portion control.  It's been hard because it's the Holidays and I want to indulge in all the yummy foods, but shit, it ain't easy to cut weight! =(

I mentioned earlier about how I treat my Sundays like a day of rest or "cheat day" [lack of a better term for it] and I also mentioned my new diet plan hahahahaha!  Okay, so I'm laughing because I sooo totally cheated today.  I had an entire totino's pizza for breakfast [fuck oatmeal man, this shit was goood]!  Yeah, I feel pretty bad so after I publish this blog and after tending to my restaurant on "Restaurant Story," I'm gonna go work out.  **Pinky promise** ;;) <<edited after Tine made her snarky comments =P

Have an absolutely amazing Sunday, FUN day, y'all... Big kisses!


  1. Okay, a few things:
    1) Mom is a Eucharistic Minister and she sits with the rest of them lol
    2) Doesn't Sundays Fun day replay episodes worth watching on BRAVO? Or am I wrong? I've been without television for a while so I'm out of the loop :( I miss Tony Bourdain and everything on the Food Network
    3) Is "Pink promise" half a "PinkY promise?" lol or is this when you had to go drop the kids off and neglected to edit that portion? lol

    love you!!

  2. HAHAHAHAHAH! I literally laughed out loud and said a harmless "eff you!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    But I love you! Hope you don't take any harm to that comment either :0)
