Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thank Goodness It's The Thursday before THANKSGIVING!!

I haven't blogged in a while and the HOLIDAYS are definitely creeping around my ghettohood-street-corner! My favorite months of the year are November and December because in about a 60-day span I get to celebrate my birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Years :o) Whoooo hooooo party!

Speaking of partying, I just celebrated my 24th birthday just last weekend and I'm totally paying for it this week because I caught a bad fever. I have been trying to rest this week, but I just can't stay away from Tahitian dancing. No matter how much I try not to stress at work, try to cut down on the "cruise sessions", and try to tell myself, "Eh bulleh, take it easssayy," I just can't help but push-push-geeev'um, push-push-geeev'um at practice. Sometimes I think my passion for Tahitian dancing is like an incurable disease [and you wonder why you see "kupuna" category at all of the Tahiti Fetes, because all those 80-something years olds STILL got the passions to push-push-geeev'um at their RIPE age ;) ;) ] Anyways, I just got a text from my ra'atira informing me that practice got pushed back half an hour, so I thought, "Hey, I can use this time to blog about the random shit going on in my life that no likes to read about" Hahahahaha!

My birthday celebration last week was the bomb! I don't think I need to further explain because my current state of lacking healthy living explains it all! I've been sick since Monday and finally got enough energy to twiddle my fingers on the computer today! So anyways, I got to spend my birthday with many wonderful people in my life... NOT ALL the wonderful people, but surely many of them :) Here's some pictures:

((Ummm Hello?! Has it been that long that I don't even know how to put pictures on here??? Oh where, oh where can that button be??))

(Found the button... silly me) A super scrumptious meal and yummy wine to start of my evening with these chic and fabulous ladies at Formaggio's... our fave :o) Then it was off to the dance studio to meet up with my hula sisters... and voila!  I was totally surprised to see all the Marrays and Barrays there :o)

Isn't my outfit so different from the beginning of the night?! HAHA! I started off wearing pants, black tank top, reef slippers, earrings, and peacock necklace and somehow throughout the course of the evening I ended up putting on a pareo, took off Mr. Peacock, and my reef slippers are off to the side in this pic hahaha... Auweee!

So round three of the birthday weekend started off sweeeeeeet thanks to Manny Pacquiao's fight against Margarito! After the picture taking, we karaoke'd the night away :o)

Oh just in case you were wondering about the towels draping in the background it's supposed to be an awesome replica of the French Flag because it was a Paris theme party lol. Please don't take offense to it, Viva La France, toujours! Yaaaye!

Okay well I thought I had more time to blog, but it's almost time to get nutz in the dance studio! I had so much more to rant about e.g. my current obsession with Restaurant Story on my ipod touch, the new aparima I learned from one of Tahiti's finest dancers, Ms. Kohai--tall, absolutely gorgeous, making me feel like a total smurf next to her LOL, and also my attempt in transforming my body in the next 3 weeks to prepare for our Christmas Show.  Maybe I will have the time to blog about such things later! Have an amazing Ia Ora Friday and a Fantaaaabulous weekend!



  1. You are a Scorpio [scorpio horoscope ] and you are so blessed and lucky to have an amazing and wonderful people around you who made your birthday even extra more special. That's the most important above all!

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are right and I honestly can't complain because LIFE is BEAUTIFUL! The couple weeks leading up to my birthday I couldn't help but miss and reminisce on how my exbf used to go about making me feel like the Queen of the World on "my" special day. For a while it made me sad to know that I wouldn't have those special <3 notes, hugs, kisses, butterfly flutters in my stomach, romance etc. But taking a step back and really looking at the bigger picture, he was just someone who didn't make it into my future, someone who didn't get to celebrate this time around and that's totally fine with me because I am so GRATEFUL for all the amazing people who HAVE made it this far with me and I get to keep them now and for many more years to come :0)

  3. Happy birthday! Hope you like my gift the best! it was inspired by you! and it was the most popular design in the class :)

  4. Oh, I did, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED THE GIFT!!!!!! :o) I know you worked super hard to make it look pretty, too! Now, if only I can have it and wear it in real life =P

  5. You can give it to your paper doll that you still keep! =P HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I keed! I will figure a way to have it manufactured! :)
