Wednesday, January 4, 2012

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H A P P Y . N E W . Y E A R !

The New Year has been great so far! I'm as plump as can be, but I sincerely could not be anymore grateful for everything that I have in life thus far... still hoping and praying for a healthy baby :0)

Resolutions... This year, I resolute to be

1) Frugal, esp. with a baby on the way and no job at the moment.
2) Less paranoid--I've been watching too many murder/crime shows lately that I have been having a hard time sleeping at night because I'm afraid that someone will break into my house and murder me :'( I can recall having these kind of fears even as a child :(
3) Help out my parents more with the physical household duties
4) Give more--in any and every way possible!

1 comment:

  1. Good resolution! Sounds like you want to be a hard-working mother for 2012.

    Also, sharing is caring :)

    yay for 2012!

    Ian also wrote out his NYR, but doesn't want to post it :(
